Thursday, May 24, 2007

Jewelry Marketing Online

I'm frequently asked how I made an online presence when jewelry and handcrafted jewelry is so COMPETITIVE! There are a lot of sites and a lot of talented jewelry designers out there.

In my experience, it is about consistency and knowing my target audience. I research blogs and other online fashion, style and shopping sites before I approach them with a press release, product suggestion or inquiry about sponsorship opportunity.

Knowing who your target audience is will help you focus on the people who are most likely to purchase your handcrafted jewelry.

Being selective about where you show off your wares will pay off when your jewelry is in front of people who want what you are selling and have the disposable income to purchase!

Online networking is no different than offline marketing in that respect....another idea is to court another indie business where "mutual" interests meet. For example, you design eye glass lanyards and you approach a private optometrist to see if they'll stock some design in their "fitting" area...Think outside the box! =)

Any comments???

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