Wednesday, May 2, 2007

ShowCase Your Handcrafted Jewelry Here

I just discovered a great site to show case your most handcrafted jewelry whether or not you have a website....Mintd!

This place is ONLY for indie & hand crafted designers and the jewelry category currently has less than 40 designers with a broad range of designs and price points.

Even though I have my own virtual jewelry boutique, I have used their FREE version and listed 3 of my most popular designs.

You can upgrade and it is VERY REASONABLE. For 100 works put up it is $100/year (if I remember correctly!!!) This would be a great place to start if you do NOT have a web site and you want to test the market.

Just remember no matter where you have your handcrafted jewelry for sale, you have to market it. The mentality, put it on the web and they will buy it, will leave you frustrated and with NO money !You need traffic, traffic, traffic---think of it like location, location, location in the brick & mortal retail setting! ;)

Check out Mintd and all the talent and please if you have any other places to showcase your wearable art, do share!!!

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