Monday, September 17, 2007

Listen to Nike and Just Do It!

The important work of moving the world forward does not wait to be done by perfect men.
- George Eliot

Think about this quote for a little bit and how it relates to your jewelry marketing plan. If it is just a plan and you've taken NO action , your business isn't going to move forward! You must take action and it does NOT need to be perfect; in fact, it just needs to be professional and follow the tone of your niche market.

I don't know about you but I don't have a degree in the dreaded M Everything I've learned is either from experience (on and offline sources), self-education or mentoring.

For example, I don't dread writing a press release even though it is not my favorite thing to do. I'm comfortable in doing my own research and pitching various on and offline publications, tv, and radio.

Just remember, you need to put your jewelry marketing plan into action. Tackle just one thing on your plan this week. Make business goals and stick to them! There is NO such thing as failure only an opportunity to LEARN and GROW!!!

Leave your thoughts or comments!

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