Monday, April 16, 2007

Jewelry Selling-What to say to a customer when...

When selling jewelry or any product for that matter, how you talk to the customer can affect your sales.

What do you say to a customer when they say, I saw something similiar for $$ less and can you go lower?

Depending on the customer/situation, my response may vary but these are the points I hightlight:

The jewelry is handcrafted by me and not mass produced. All my jewelry is made with the best materials ( I use precious metals and authentic stones / pearls). Look at the quality of the wire wrap, bail, etc...I guarantee my work for normal wear and tear.

As an artist, my price includes the cost of the materials and my time. My prices are very reasonable for what is being offered and I do NOT haggle. I have only lost a handful of sales over price after I've discussed my points with them.

Any other artists have suggestions or comments on how they deal with pricing questions from customers?

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