Happy New Year
Happy New Year!
Jewelry Marketing Tips-A forum to share tips on how to successfully market your handcrafted jewelry for retail and wholesale markets. Learn about packaging, display presentation,how to talk to customers, how to take effective photography, and so much more.
Happy New Year!
Posted by
Dallas Designing-Diva
11:57 AM
Labels: Happy New year
I just thought I would share this resource-2008 PR Calendar. I thought this was awesome because not only does it have major holidays but other events (sports & political, etc) in case your jewelry line has a niche market (sports theme, etc).
Do you have any "events" or "dates" that are not in the calendar that you include in your annual PR campaign? Feel free to drop a comment!
Posted by
Dallas Designing-Diva
12:03 PM
Labels: 2008 PR Calendar
Wishing your family a Merry Christmas!
Here's to spending time with family and loved ones!
aka Randi-Sue
Posted by
Dallas Designing-Diva
11:02 AM
Labels: Merry Christmas
I always try to make the most of every retail market show that I do by really engaging with not only my customers but vendors too!
I always try to engage my customers by asking them what drew them to a particular piece so I can share the inspiration behind the design, color or technique I used to create that particular piece. One of my most popular limited edition designs is the ring pictured above...Three Pebbles, Three Wishes; I designed it to honor my grandfather who would patiently tell me bed time stories . My favorite was about a princess who had 3 extraordinary pebbles that could become magical wishes. This ring is a way for customers to share a thoughtful sentiment with someone they care about.....by giving them 3 wishes.
I often end up taking orders for these rings at shows because each Three Pebbles, Three Wishes is unique because the three silver pebbles are fabricated by hand with love and little help from my torch! ;)
The other thing I do is always ask my customers for referrals; when they say, I just love your work. I don't just say thank you. I ask them to tell their friends and family as well as their favorite shopping spots. A valued customer telling a boutique owner about a new jewelry artist will mean more than a cold call from me!
I always try to network with other vendors at the show by asking what shows they have done in the recent past, what shows they are doing in the future, and getting their feedback on the quality/target customer of the shows they have done. It is critical to know about shows well in advance to be able to participate....some shows need up to 1 year for your application because of the juried process!! More often than not, they will tell me what shows they think might be best for me after viewing my jewelry line and sometimes I even get referrals from them to boutique owners!!
As a result of my engaging not only customers but vendors, I have the opportunity to be referred to other customers, business owners and learn about new shows that may be of interest! More often than not, I get business up to 4 weeks after a show through the online jewelry boutique, with comments when they check out...." I spoke to you at XYZ show or my friend bought a necklace and told me about your designs....etc"....So, I know that engaging and asking for referrals does work for me!
Do you have any comments/suggestions for making the most of the jewelry shows that you do?
Please post a comment so we can all learn something new!
Posted by
Dallas Designing-Diva
8:02 AM
Labels: handcrafted jewelry show tips, jewelry show tips, talking to jewelry customers
Does your brand stand out with your packaging? Is it recognizable from one show to the next? Do people ask about your packaging (how much do I have to spend to get one of those purses/bags)?
I get these darling pink vellum bags from Nashville Wraps for my larger sized jewelry and I have smaller ones for earrings & rings. I use chocolate tissue paper and it is a very distinctive look and I get wonderful feedback/comments from customers & other vendors at shows.
Your packaging should show you care about your product and deem it worthy to be "special". Whether you buy or make your own packaging, think about how you can your brand stand out and be recognizable from show to show.
Do you have a great packaging tip to share? Please leave a comment!
Posted by
Dallas Designing-Diva
2:35 PM
Labels: jewelry packaging, Nashville Wraps, packaging and branding
I'm busy getting ready for theDallas Urban Street Bazaar this Saturday at Dallas Market Hall. I want to share a 2 of of my favorite tips great way to increase your show at sales....
1. I always have special incentives for customers to buy from me. Whether it is a BOGO (buy one get one at a discounted price) or just plainly clearly marked reduced price, this always works for me.
My most successful offer is on earrings. I will offer my dichroic glass silver earrings at $25 or 2 for $40. I always have a great assortment of these earrings on posts, french wires and leverbacks for customers to choose from.
At 2 for $40, the $20 price range is a great gift or small treat item!
Plus, I like to have a sign that mentions the gift that keeps giving...the Earring of the Month Club!
2. Shop my Sale Trunk
I always carry a little sale trunk with earrings, necklaces, bracelets, pendants ,etc...that start at just $10! All items are in little plastic baggies with the price clearly marked and they can save up to 75% off by "digging" through the trunk.
I also offer ALL customers who make a purchase to shop the sale trunk while I'm wrapping up their purchase. More times than not, people find a little something to add. These impulse buys often end up being 20-40% of the shows revenue.
Do you have a tip to share that has helped you increase your jewelry show sales? Please leave a comment so we all can profit! :)
Posted by
Dallas Designing-Diva
10:03 PM
I recently did an event at Stonebriar Country Club ; 95% of my sales were paid with a credit card ( I had one cash and one check).
I accept all major credit cards and use a wireless device , Way System that includes a printer. My merchant account is through NABancard ;I've been very happy with the service from this credit card processing company.
I know many other vendors use ProPay and you pay only a "yearly fee" which may be more cost effective for the seasonal business. Rena Klingenberg has a short article on ProPay on her Home Jewelry Business Success Tips that may be of interest if you are in the research phase!
If you use another credit card processor/system, drop a comment and share!
Posted by
Dallas Designing-Diva
9:21 AM
Labels: accept credit cards, home jewelry business, ProPay, Way System
Phew, 2 big shows with one day in between......crazy but in a GREAT way!
I just did Shecky's Girls Night Out in Dallas and it was spectacular! I owe my success at the show to a few things ( I spoke to 2 other jewelry vendors...one made NO sales and another only sold 2 items):
1. I contacted everyone on my local contact list to let them know I was a vendor at this event and that the sample sale would be for up to 40% off at this event only! Guess what....I had several of my customers come because they didn't want to miss the 40% off !!
2. I blogged about the event and told potential customers about new designs that were going to be previewed at the event (which sold out BTW).
3. I was mentioned as one of the local designers (pre show) in the Dallas Morning News.
4. The height of my one table display ( literally I went up 3 1/2 to 4 feet) because we only got one 8 foot table!!!
5. I know you are thinking...it must have been location....NO! There were NO assigned spots and I was directly across from 2 jewelry vendors, had one on my left (one space over), had one on my right (one space over) and one right behind me!!!!
My sales were great for the night and I got valuable feedback from my target market. I tripled my mailing list in one show! Now, that is marketing success! I "plugged" my next big "public" show ....the Urban Street Bazaar...I got Dallas excited about the Indie Artist Holiday Shopping opportunity!! Woohoo.
Make sure you promote your events...verbally, online, press releases, mailing list, etc....it DOES and CAN make a huge difference to your sales at any show!
Posted by
Dallas Designing-Diva
9:28 AM
If you have an e-commerce jewelry site, you will most likely have a "newsletter/updates" sign up where you can keep in front of your customers. I just found a great article on using E-cards during the Holiday Season to connect with your jewelry newsletter subscribers/list by Gail Goodman, the CEO of Constant Contact.
I use Constant Contact for my jewelry newsletter list because I can create 'newsletters' and choose to send at specific dates/times. This allows me to have my updates on autopilot and allows me to get busy in the studio creating jewelry!
What are you doing to put your jewelry business on autopilot when it comes to holiday marketing?
Posted by
Dallas Designing-Diva
7:45 AM
Labels: constant contact, Gail Goodman, jewelry newsletter, using e-cards to market your jewelry
The biggest retail season is upon us and it's going to be a tough sell this year. All the major retailer's are doing their big Thanksgiving "sales" 3 weeks ahead of time. OUCH!
Hopefully, you have all your "holiday marketing done or on autopilot" by now.
Don't forget to wear your jewelry whenever you are out (think tasteful) and when you receive compliments make sure you whip out a business card to share...let them know what upcoming shows you have, if you hold private trunk shows (tell them), and of course if you have an e-commerce site or are carried in local shops (tell them too)......in other words, do a little shameless self promotion.
Now is the time to get out of your comfort zone to see $$$ in your bank account from selling your handcrafted jewelry !
What do you do to "shamelessly promote yourself?" Make a comment!
Posted by
Dallas Designing-Diva
8:02 AM
Posted by
Dallas Designing-Diva
10:52 AM
Labels: handmade goods, handmade jewelry, handmade pledge
I'm a huge fan of Rena Klingenberg. I purchased her book , The Ultimate Guide to Your Profitable Jewelry Booth, when I first started out (less than 2 years ago). I still refer back to it and am amazed at what golden nuggets she offers jewelry artists.
I would be struggling business wise if I had not read this book or had the resources like The Switchboards at my fingertips!
Anyhow, I digress....check out her latest article on How to Sell More Jewelry This Holiday Season...
She shares 19 wonderful ideas to help you have a prosperous holiday! Thanks Rena!!!!
Don't forget to get her newsletter....watch our business grow as you learn from Rena and other featured artists!
Posted by
Dallas Designing-Diva
11:33 AM
The deadline is looming and here is a sneak preview of the Holiday Gift Guide that I will be sharing with my customers this year.
I think it is important to point out a few things about the gift guide.
Posted by
Dallas Designing-Diva
8:16 AM
Labels: Holiday Gift Guide, jewelry marketing tips
Uggh... I do apologize for my silence. I try hard to post at least 3X /week but last week was very hectic with shows, wholesale orders, etc..
I hope that you've found the Holiday Sales & Marketing series helpful . Every business is a little different but there are core business principles that apply to all business models.
I just wanted to remind everyone that if you can set up your holiday e-mail marketing on autopilot so you can focus on your customers/business during this busy season. A little pre-planning can help your stress level!
Personally, I use Constant Contact to keep in touch with my newsletter subscribers. I currently have several newsletters scheduled to keep in touch with my customers/subscribers. They will be automatically sent out on the days I have scheduled them.
You can use holiday e-mail marketing to remind your customers about holiday sales, new items that have arrived, customer services you provide, etc.....It is much easier to keep a customer once they have purchased from you than to convert a new customer!
Here's to a successful and profitable holiday season!
Posted by
Dallas Designing-Diva
10:02 AM
Labels: e-mail marketing for the holidays, holiday marketing plan, jewelry holiday marketing plan
Posted by
Dallas Designing-Diva
9:37 AM
Labels: holiday gift press release
Posted by
Dallas Designing-Diva
9:48 PM
Labels: holiday 2007, jewelry marketing plan, jewelry marketing tips
I just read an article by Jeff Tullock ( Wrap It Up Jewelry) that will have you wishing you had thought of this sooner....
He uses an electronic picture frame to show off his jewelry and draw customers into his booth.
What a fantastic idea!
Posted by
Dallas Designing-Diva
2:25 PM
Labels: jewelry booth, jewelry display tips
" The whole world as we experience it visually, comes to us through the mystic realm of color. Our entire being is nourished by it. This mystic quality of color should likewise find expression in a work of art."
Posted by
Dallas Designing-Diva
9:39 PM
Labels: color forecast guide, color wheel, fire mountain gems, jewelry color choices, pantone shopping color guide
I'm always on the lookout for crafty and creative ways to display my jewelry that makes a great impression but doesn't make a huge dent in my very small budget!
I just had to share this ingenious and downright gorgeous jewelry display case tutorial that is make with a box, fabric, wallpaper, trim and some velcro. NO sewing involved...just a hot glue gun and craft glue.
Check out Carolina Gonzales and her amazing jewelry display case!
Posted by
Dallas Designing-Diva
8:43 PM
On my business to do list right now is to "update" my artist statement/bio. I want to have a "condensed" version and a "long version". I decided that I needed to do more research so that my "voice and personality" comes through and I connect with others (by sharing my story). My current bio/artist statement is "lacking"!
Here are links to a few resources that I've found to be helpful:
Writing an Effective Artist's Statement
How to Write and Use an Artist's Statement
How to Write an Artist's Statement
I feel like I'm back in high school english class or worse my 1st year university literacy course. This is what I currently have for the condensed...
I loved numbers and math as child and left the "art" to my brother who loved to draw detailed cartoons. Now with a Clinical Scientist degree gathering dust, I realize that art and number aren't worlds apart. In fact, they are so much alike because they are universal languages. Experimenting with metal and glass I'm excited by the infinite combinations possible.My voice is heard when the hammering, bending, cutting and fusing is done; my artisan jewelry is my connection with others where no interpreter is required!
Posted by
Dallas Designing-Diva
9:19 AM
Labels: creating an artist statement, how to write an artist statement
I receive the Duct Tape Marketing newsletter and thought I would share this with those of you who run their own e-commerce websites to sell their handcrafted jewelry.
7 Steps to Local Search Dominance
Local shoppers are going online to find products and services in your town - get found when they do!
Right now, in every community in America, increasing numbers of people of all ages are turning to the world wide web to find products and services right their at home.
This trend, known generically as local search presents a huge opportunity for small businesses who focus on winning in this arena. Below are 7 steps every local business should explore today in order to gain a competitive advantage in their local markets. (Someone in your market and industry will do this, why not you?)
1) Register with the primary local and social search engines
Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, AOL, Ask, Local.com and TrueLocal are all awaiting your information as they build local search directories. Make sure you are listed.
Judy's Book, Craig's List, and Insider Pages are sites building directories with user generated reviews. Get in those as well and manage your online reputation.
(You can get this done for you and get a local profile page on Duct Tape Marketing gaining you page 1 results on Google for key local terms with a Duct Tape Marketing Local Search Profile)
2) Optimize your web site for local search
Put local terms in you page titles - not Home page - Kansas City Electrical Contractor
Put local terms in your anchor text - not Kitchens - New York Kitchens
Put local terms in your H1 and H2 tags
Put local terms in your body copy
(If some of the above sounds like Greek to you - check out Harness the Internet
3) Put a map on your site The whole mapping category just keeps getting easier to use. Google Maps, both mapping and local directory, recently added a feature that makes it super easy to embed a map rather than simply copy an image or link to a map. This means that you can use a map with all the functionality right on your web page. Many businesses can benefit from this tool, especially when it comes to local search. To create a map for your business, simply visit Google Maps, conduct a search for your business (you've got to be in the Google Maps directory to show up - get listed), hit the "link to this page" link and copy the HTML code for your map. I've simply pasted that code below so the map shows up in this post, but you could put it on any web page. Then create directions in text to your business from various routes and you've created some nice local keyword rich content. (This is a good web content strategy even if your clients don't need to find your office.)
4) Check your InfoUSA listing
InfoUSA compiles lists for direct mail and telemarketing but they also provide a great deal of the directory listing information for many of the smaller search directories. Go here and make sure your listing is correct and up to date. You can also add things like your web site address to the profile.
5) Add local content
You should create several pages of content on your site focused on local angels. You can report local news, talk about your firm's history in a town, give an overview of non-profit activities, even report on the various suburbs your staff hails from. Don't forget to put your physical mailing address on every page - that's local content too.
6) Add a Blog
A blog - not a free blogger one, but one that resides on your domain - is one of the most powerful local search tools going. You can simply post about things going on in the community, school events, neighborhood block parties, the local sports teams. It's helpful if you can do this and post content that is relevant to your primary business, but as long as the towns and neighborhoods you want to score well in the search engines with are in your posts and titles, you will get some serious lift for those terms.
7) Get local inbound links
The search engines give lots of credit for links that are coming back to your site from other sites. Go out their and find some local directories or strategic partners that will link back to your site but don't have them link back to your business name - Joe's Pet Shop. Have them link back to your site with a local search term like - Toledo's Biggest Pet Shop.
Related article: Basics of Small Business Web Site Optimization
. ~ ~ ~
John Jantsch is a veteran marketing coach, award winning blogger and author of Duct Tape Marketing: The World's Most Practical Small Business Marketing Guide published by Thomas Nelson.
He is the creator of the Duct Tape Marketing small business marketing system. You can find more information by visiting http://www.ducttapemarketing.com
Reprinted with permission.
Posted by
Dallas Designing-Diva
10:41 PM
Labels: e-commerce tips, handcrafted jewelry marketing tips, jewelry marketing plan, local search dominance tips
Posted by
Dallas Designing-Diva
6:18 AM
Labels: business goals, jewelry marketing plan, press release
Wow, can't believe it is the middle of September already. I'm working on the Spring 2008 Signature Diva Collection and have shows booked through Feb 2008. Phew! ;)
Here is part "deux" of Planning Your Jewelry Sales & Marketing for the Holidays. At the bottom of this post, you will find a link so that you can read the first installment. Look for the 3rd installment by the end of September.
Now that you have a color palette and designs created what do you do? How about generating some buzz with these promotional ideas...
Posted by
Dallas Designing-Diva
7:49 AM
People won't buy your handcrafted jewelry if they can't see it . Duh! So simple right.Have you considered other partnerships that do not necessarily cost anything up front to get you the exposure you deserve? It can be a wholesale arrangement (when a piece sells you give them a cut up to 50%).
Although, I run a "virtual" jewelry boutique, I have also partnered with other online shopping sites like Mintd, Bagadoodle, and Artisans Market. I'm currently working on two other online partnerships to showcase my jewelry. At my partner sites, I sell jewelry that meets the "feel" of that particular site; all of these sites, take a small % of the profits but it is still cheaper than advertising. Once they are a customer, I can encourage them to sign up for the Diva Newsletter to keep in front of them.
Offline, I have also partnered with other business's from art galleries to salons. One of my most profitable ventures was with a "travelling" art show for corporate events in the DFW.
My point is by partnering with other business's on or offline you will not only get your artist name, business but your handcrafted jewelry in front of more people which ultimately will help you be more successful.
Do you have any partnerships/venue's on or offline that you have had success with? Drop a comment and share your success!
Posted by
Dallas Designing-Diva
8:59 AM
Labels: handcrafted jewelry, jewelry marketing tips, online shopping sites
This weekend, my family and I stopped by the St. Ann's Annual Carnival/Festival. This year, there were 2 large tents with vendors. I was amazed at the "quality" difference at the various booths with very comparable merchandise.
It is important when you do any jewelry show (festival, retail, wholesale or private trunk show) that your "booth" or "table" does NOT have a flea market(messy and unorganized) look; it will hurt your sales because people will assume it's cheap/junk and either not bother to look or think the jewelry is overpriced.
There are several different ways you can approach how you display your handcrafted jewelry art so it looks professional:
Posted by
Dallas Designing-Diva
10:50 AM
Early on in my biz I held a trunk show at an upscale women's business luncheon, I had several women ask how much they had to spend to get one of the pink vellum purse's that was displayed. Yes, that's right the pink vellum purse that was worth 50 cents had that much pull. This is my standard packaging ( I carry the vellum purses in two sizes) so they would get one with any purchase but that's when it struck me how important packaging /presentation is!! One of many light bulb moments for me!;)
Over the course of my business, I have experimented and noted which package and displays did better at the different shows. Yes, I have noticed a difference between the retail, wholesale and private trunk shows. More often than not it's the "creative" less expensive route that has generated the most buzz for me at any of these shows.What has your experience been?
Whatever packaging/presentation you choose, it must fit the look and feel of your jewelry designs and business logo/colors, etc...
I currently get most of my packaging from Nashville Wraps because I can try out new packaging in small quantities and their customer service to date has been excellent. I use custom stickers so hot stamping is not an issue for me. I also sometimes purchase packaging/display items from Rio Grande as well.
Do you have a favorite packaging resource that you would like to share ? Please leave a comment so others can check it out. Thanks!
Posted by
Dallas Designing-Diva
8:40 AM
Labels: jewelry marketing tips, jewelry packaging, jewelry packaging resources, jewelry presentation
Do you feel like your spinning your wheels in your handcrafted jewelry biz ? Does your artist self struggle with your business self ? Marketing over your head ?
I have found the forums on The Switchboards to be an invaluable resource in building my business, e-commerce site, marketing and promo ideas, etc...It is a meeting place for like minded creative business women to connect, share and learn.
Just in the last week, I have several things added to my " to do " list as a result of being inspired by these other creative minds...
1. Revamping my current down loadable press kit
2. Marketing to national magazine editors
3. Defining my signature brand
4. Working on Spring 2008 collection
5. Revamping the layout (not template) of my current website
----think of ease of navigation and creating groupings (collections) for a more coherent presentation
That's just my top 5...not in set order...but just what I thought I could do to improve my brand and jewelry biz!
This is a fantastic resource that you should bookmark...and watch our business grow as you learn from a very talented group of creative and successful businesswomen!
Posted by
Dallas Designing-Diva
8:19 PM
Labels: creative businesswomen, jewelry business resource, successful businesswomen, The Switchboards
Use stamped tags with your signature, company name or logo to the custom handcrafted jewelry you make.
Posted by
Dallas Designing-Diva
2:13 PM
Labels: branding, custom stamps, custom tags, handcrafted jewelry
With the busy holiday season coming up, I always like to design and carry some fashion conscious inventory that will serve to draw new customers and serve up a dose of "the moment style" for my fashion-forward clients.
Of course, I've worked hard to define my brand that identifies me and my jewelry line as the Designing-Diva. The signature that my customers have come to love is a jewelry collection that is unique .....a woman can express her personal style and taste without having to worry about it being another cookie cutter accessory.
But I can support my brand and signature with some more fashion forward designs that still have my "stamp" on them. These designs will support and complement my signature designs and not compete with my signature. During the holidays, these lesser value fashion-forward designs do well because so many people are looking for unique affordable gifts but still want to pack a punch ( the packaging...designer artisan jewelry gets them all the time).
How do you know what is fashion forward? Easy...check out the malls, open a fashion magazine, etc...Take what you see and translate it into something that complements your signature/brand that will draw in new fashion conscious customers and offer a great unique affordable gift for your current and new customers alike!
Posted by
Dallas Designing-Diva
10:24 AM
Labels: designer artisan jewelry, fashion jewelry, jewelry marketing tips, signature brand
I just love this online magazine, N.E.E.T. (click on the photo go to the publication), and advertised in the Sept 07 issue. Would you believe you can advertise for a full page for only $45 ?
N.E.E.T. began in December 2005 as a quarterly, online publication, laid out in a magazine format - as a showcase for grassroots creativity. It would be impossible without the wonderful contributions of all those involved and many thanks goes to a wide network of global talent, with the Internet playing a vital part in research and communication.
Posted by
Dallas Designing-Diva
12:08 PM
Labels: NEET magazine, online advertising for indie designers
I was recently approached by She Finds (as well as other indie jewelry, fashion and accessory designers) to create a jewelry design to help educate, raise awareness and support the non-profit organization, Ovarian Cancer Research Fund (OCRF).
There were a couple of "rules"; the indie designers had to use teal the official color of the OCRF an incorporate the letter "O" in our design. Other than that, we were encouraged to be creative and share our inspiration behind the design.
During the month of September, She Finds will be promoting National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month and the indie designer's efforts.
I created the Love & Hope necklace. This necklace incorporates a teal fused glass design (one rule down ..another to go), a hammered sterling silver ring ( my letter O"), and a white freshwater pearl for love & hope. Designing-Diva Jewelry has pledged that 25% of the proceeds will benefit the non-profit organization, OCRF.
Ironically, two of my dear Bunco Sister's (and you know who you are) mother was diagnosed last week with ovarian cancer. She saw the oncologist today and was told that it has metastasized to her major organs ; she is scheduled for a biopsy tomorrow morning to determine how her chemotherapy tx should be administered (scheduled to start mid-September). The whole reason I got involved in this women's health issue is because I was appalled there is NO early detection method for ovarian cancer and that it is the #1 gynecological cancer killer and 5th cancer killer of women. As a daughter, wife, mother and friend to many, this is my way of supporting a cause that just might prevent a tragedy like my Bunco sister's are experiencing right now from occurring!
I issued a press release when I first created the design online and have had a few other blogging sites that will be posting the design and helping raise awareness regarding ovarian cancer. Since September is just around the corner, I have pitched the following press release to the Dallas Morning News and local tv stations. Cross your fingers that we can get this in the public's face! I'll let you know if I hear anything back.
RANDI-SUE DECKARD- (469) 877-0805
Posted by
Dallas Designing-Diva
8:53 PM
Labels: Designing-Diva Jewelry, jewelry for a charity, jewelry for a non-profit, Love and Hope, OCRF, press release for Designing-Diva Jewelry, Randi-Sue Deckard, She Finds, teal fused glass design
I just read a fab On Style article by Christina Binkley online at the Wall Street Journal titled,The Psychology of the $14,000 Handbag .
Christine bring up some interesting points why so many successful companies have at least one high end almost absurdly priced item. Many people will buy a lesser priced item as a consolation prize even though it is the high $$$ ticket item they really covet.
Looking at my current business model, the highest priced jewelry item I have had in the past is my sterling silver crocheted designs with pearls and gemstones (Retail: $300-400). Did I sell a lot of them? No, but they are a great draw; so many folks can't resist picking up these necklaces even though their eyes bug out at the price!Anyways, I thought this was worth sharing with y'all as so many artists struggle with pricing their craft....often they undercharge...which is a whole other story!!!
Posted by
Dallas Designing-Diva
3:54 PM
Labels: Christina Binkley, On Style, pricing jewlery, psychology of selling, Wall Street Journal
One of the challenges for my e-commerce jewelry boutique is keeping up with the changes at Google. Hey, I'm an artist and all this SEO and marketing takes a chunk out of my design/studio time!
I found a great article that discusses how to optimize your site for "universal search". The article is written by Tony D. Baker. He is Oklahoma’s leading Internet marketing expert with over 1000 clients and over 10 years of Internet marketing experience. As an author and public speaker, Baker has written several ebooks and has spoken at conferences throughout the United States. Tony D. Baker is currently the host of Xeal Radio, Sunday nights at 6pm on Tulsa's Talk Radio 1170 KFAQ AM.
In a nutshell, Tony says your website can be optimized for universal search using press releases,images,video content, site map so search engine can find links (keep it updated), and the basics like links, keyword rich text, etc...
At this point, I need to add some video content...maybe of me designed fused glass, soldering, etc..."Artist at Work Series" and update my site map....
Hey, if I can do it so can you!!! Don't invent the wheel or make mistakes...there is a lot of great information out there and you can make a difference!
Posted by
Dallas Designing-Diva
12:01 PM
Labels: e-commerce, Google, internet marketing, Tony D Baker, Universal Search, website optimization
Just because it's summer doesn't mean you should be slacking off in your jewelry business. In fact, this is the perfect time to prepare for the biggest selling season of the year-Holiday 2007!
This is part I of a series geared at helping you plan ahead for the lucrative holiday season and get the most out of your sales/marketing resources!
It is still smoking hot in N. Texas but I'm already thinking about the Fall/Winter Fashion Forecast. Whether or not your customers follow the fashion trends, they will notice color palettes whilst out and about shopping. Go into any major dept store and look at their displays....hint! hint! It's a great way to see for yourself what the dominant color palette of the season is. Yes, I know Pantone has a forecast but it's not the same as seeing the real deal...a retail merchandise display!
So, what can you do to translate this into lucrative jewelry sales? Plan to create jewelry using the dominant color palette and also find innovative ways tie it into your packaging. For me, that means I will be highlighting my "chocolate brown" more than my pink in my packaging The good news is that the colors for Winter 2007 have shifted marginally with designs favoring individuality. Now that has me excited as that is what Diva designs are all about ...individualism and dynamic personality!
It's always a great idea to create pieces that are versatile? Create pieces that can be dressed up or down. Think what can be worn at the office but would still look compliment a "holiday party/girls night out" outfit. Or think about a necklace that can be wrapped into a bracelet? Or a necklace with a removable/interchangeable pendant?
Combine gold and sterling silver rich colored stones in red, green, blue and purple. Textures are another way to offer style. One of my favorite ways to add texture is to incorporate silk and various fibers into my design. I've been known to haunt Quilt Shows for hand-dyed silk ribbons to use in my designs.
I do hope you've enjoyed part I of this series. Read part II of the Jewelry Sales & Marketing for the Holiday here. Part III will be released by the end of September.
Got a comment or suggestion? I'd love to hear it!
Posted by
Dallas Designing-Diva
10:58 PM
Labels: holiday 2007, sales and marketing jewelry
WOW! Just had to shared this amazing deal on advertising from Veronica over at Daily Confection She Unlimited with you. I'm taking advantage of this oppportunity and here are the two design banners that Tink designed at no extra charge for me. Normally, it costs $2k to start an advertising campaign but due to the relaunch your bank account will be shocked at how affordable it is for a featured or sponsor ad and the best part...they will lock in the advertising price. This indie jewelry artist is saying Woohoo......
Scroll down to see the offer that Veronica so graciously let me share with y'all....
Daily Confection She Unlimited
Posted by
Dallas Designing-Diva
9:47 AM
Labels: daily confection, reduced price advertising opportunity, she unlimited
One of my favorite gigs is pitching larger sized office or buildings to host a "shopping lunch". What the heck is a shopping lunch?
This is where you the vendor can come in and set up for a few hours so the employees can shop on their lunch hour.
Generally, I set my shop hours from 11am - 2pm depending on the office.
I get thanked all the time for these lunch time diversions! Why? I'm saving people time . I'm providing a service. They love the fact that they can get a gift or treat themselves without running around town. I offer free gift wrapping and hand crafted note cards for those purchasing a gift. My business has been a lifesaver many times or so I'm told!
Best of all, I've never had to pay to be a vendor. In fact, I've been offered money to show up (which I declined in lieu of blatant promotion).
What makes an office shopping lunch successful?
Promotion--When I approach the office or building manager, I either get permission to approach the different companies within the building to promote my "Shopping Lunch" or if I get lucky the folks in Communications will send out an e-mail and a day before reminder. Either way, I offer an incentive for folks to come visit. A FREE DRAWING (no purchase necessary) always pulls people in record numbers.
When I set up, I always have a Free Drawing and Newsletter Sign-Up area with the incentive of 10% off if they sign up....This way I can keep in contact with folks and funnel them to my website/keep in front of them until the next show.
Posted by
Dallas Designing-Diva
8:18 AM
Labels: jewelry marketing tips, marketing your handcrafted jewelry, the office shopping lunch
Check out these 15 tips for link building for new websites from Dosh Dosh. This is a great article and can be used when you first start selling your gorgeous handcrafted jewelry/goods online. It isn't just enough to have a website..."Build it and they will come"...mentality will get you zero traffic and zero sales. Yikes!
I feel pretty good that I've done a lot of thins on this list...good thing because I've had the virtual business for over a year now! ;)
For my virtual jewelry boutique, I have submitted www.Designing-Diva.com places like DMOZ, Google, and Yahoo. Check out this add your url website for more SEO friendly places to submit your url.
If you run a blog like this, you can also build traffic for your blog by submitting your blog url to a variety of blog directories.
I have several link partners to help with PR (page rank).
I have written several press releases since I started my "virtual boutique" which you can see about 2/3 of way down on my press page on my website. I have used PR Leap's free and paid service. I like the fact that I can log in and check my stats.
I get traffic to my main website and blogs through my several lenses on Squidoo.
I have written several articles using Ezine such as Marketing Your Handcrafted Jewelry.
I blog on several other blogs and forums as an expert.
I've held several successful contests.
See even us creative artists can learn the business side!!!
Posted by
Dallas Designing-Diva
8:02 AM
Labels: Designing-Diva Jewelry, Dosh Dosh, link building tips, link strategies, new websites
Posted by
Dallas Designing-Diva
11:10 AM
Labels: Adverstising, target market
Posted by
Dallas Designing-Diva
12:08 PM
Labels: Duct Tape marketing, increase web traffic, John Jantsch, keyword research
Patsi and Denise of the Blog Squad recently shared this gem-a SEO checklist courtesy of Tom Antion.
1. Create a simple html site on a specific niche
topic (one keyword phrase is best).
2. Create lots of short article pages about your
specific topic (each page uses a different
keyword relating to your niche).
3. Place specific keywords about your topic
properly on the page (keyword placement counts
more at the top and in headings).
4. Get lots of links coming into your site (high
quality links are worth more).
5. Create a blog on your specific topic (to link
and send traffic to your site). Also your website
link on your blog will help it get indexed faster
by the search engines.
Posted by
Dallas Designing-Diva
12:29 AM
Labels: Seo checklist, The Blog Squad, Tom Antion
Partnering with a non-profit/charity group and hosting a jewelry fund raiser is a win win situation for all parties involved. Even if your product/service is NOT jewelry related, you can still use this information and resource!
1. The non-profit can raised funds for their cause
2. You sell your jewelry wholesale or donate a % of the proceeds from sales and gain valuable exposure in your community
3. Both parties can use this in a PR campaign to of course raise awareness and funds
I was just recently introduced to a company, Smart Raise, by the co-founder, John Keating. I love their business model. It can help any non-proift/charity group have an internet presence to assist in fundraising.
SmartRaise is a 100% free fundraising program that allows school groups, community organizations, and other charitable causes to easily develop an internet presence and safely raise money online.
At SmartRaise, groups earn money by inviting their supporters to make everyday purchases through our network of leading online merchants. In turn, the merchants in our network pass a portion of their sales back to each shopper's designated cause. Supporters pay the exact same prices they always would (or even less thanks to our many discount programs) and automatically earn financial rewards for their favorite causes. It's that simple!**
Posted by
Dallas Designing-Diva
12:35 PM
Labels: nonprofit/charity fund raiser, Smart Raise